Help our youth learn valuable life skills and develop healthy fitness habits that will last a lifetime through fun and recreational youth sports!
Youth Sports and Fitness needs coaches for all age groups and sports.
Perks of being a Coaching Parent
If you're a head coach, all your children signed up for the sport you're coaching can play for free. If you're an assistant coach, one child plays for free and all additional children are 15% off.
Coaches who have youth within CDC or SAC, can also earn Parent Participation point.
Perks of being a Coaching Soldier
You can earn MOVSM hours and Commander's Cup points!
What is needed to be a coach?
No previous experience required. All coach training is provided via the National Alliance for Youth Sports and Red Cross of America. You will also need to pass a background check before becoming a Youth Sports Coach.
How do I become a coach?
Follow the steps below on becoming a Youth Sports Coach:
1. Get a Coaching Packet at School Age Care Center (Bldg. 252) or Youth Sports Office (Bldg. 257). You can click here for a digital copy: Volunteer packet(.pdf)
• Volunteer packet contains the following forms:
1. Volunteer Submission Information
2. Volunteer Application
3. Release/Consent Statement
4. DA Form 5018-R
5. DD 2981
6. Volunteer Reference Checks
7. DD Form 2793
2. Create a VMIS Account online at http://vmis.armyfamilywebportal.com
3. Apply for CYS Youth Sports Coach position in VMIS.
Registration Information
If you are interested in coaching or would like more information, please contact Kiesha Loftin or Shaun Juan at DSN 763-4548 or via email at kiesha.n.loftin.naf@army.mil / shaun.m.juan.naf@army.mil