- Youth Training
This course is designed to familiarize teens with the responsibilities of babysitting and also teach skills and techniques needed for sitters to become competent and caring. Students will receive training materials, a certificate of completion and a wallet size babysitting course card. Students are also placed on the garrison-wide babysitting referral list so that parents requesting a babysitter from the CYS Services referral list can feel comfortable knowing that their babysitters are adequately trained to CYS Services standards. Garrison policy encourages that all youth 12 years old and older pass a certified babysitting course to watch their siblings. Youth 13 years old and older are encouraged to pass a certified babysitting course and CPR/First Aid class to babysit non-family members.
The goal of imAlone is to provide Families with tools and guidance as they help their children move toward adulthood and independence. Consistent with the CYS mission, the imAlone objectives are:
- Help parents and youth to feel safe when youth are staying at home alone.
- Ease the parents worries about leaving their child home alone.
- Reduce the conflict between parental responsibility and mission readiness.
Middle School & Teens
Middle School & Teens
Military DSN (315)763-2265
More Child & Youth Services
Movie Trip
Mar 28 1:30 pm - 5 pm