- Getting Started
To review current volunteer opportunities, search the USAG Daegu volunteer opportunities on the Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS).
The Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) serves as the Army’s official system of record, offering a real-time, comprehensive view of volunteer activities across all installations. With VMIS, you can efficiently track volunteer hours, manage volunteer profiles, post volunteer opportunities, generate reports, and access a range of other features to streamline volunteer management and maximize impact. To be considered for recognition at installation volunteer appreciation events, volunteers are required to be registered in VMIS.
Regularly scheduled New Volunteer Workshops and Organization Point of Contact (OPOC) training are conducted each month. Visit us at ACS for more details!
- Recognition / Awards
Volunteers are recognized for their valuable service throughout the year with ceremonies, certificates, luncheons, receptions, and special achievement awards at both the organization and installation levels. Each April, during Volunteer Appreciation Week, USAG Daegu recognizes its top volunteers, including those who have been nominated by various stakeholders including unit commanders, volunteer coordinators, community leaders, Soldier and Family readiness group members, and Military spouses and Family members, at the annual installation Volunteer of the Year Award Ceremony. Stakeholders are responsible for submitting their respective nominees from the previous calendar year for annual consideration to the AVCC.
The Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM) recognizes those members of the Military (Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard) who perform substantial volunteer service to the local community above and beyond the duties required as a member of the United States Armed Forces. Such volunteer service must be made in a sustained and direct nature towards the civilian community, must be significant in nature to produce tangible results, and must reflect favorably on the military service and the United States Department of Defense. The definition of volunteer service is left intentionally vague, allowing for a wide variety of activities and volunteer duties which would qualify a service member for the MOVSM.
There is no specific time period to qualify for the MOVSM (for example, 500 hours of community service within 24 calendar months). Approval authorities will ensure the service to be honored merits the special recognition afforded by this medal. The MOVSM is intended to recognize exceptional community
support over time and not a single act or achievement. Further, it is intended to honor direct support of community activities.
The MOVSM cannot be awarded more than once during a given duty assignment or tour of duty. It may be awarded posthumously but is not authorized for presentation to foreign personnel.
More information about the MOVSM can be found in Army Regulation 600-8-22 starting on page 44.
- Guides and Forms
Nominate Now for Volunteer of the Year!
Please complete and e-mail this nomination form to
Please Click Here for the 2025 Volunteer of the Year Nomination Packet
Program Overview
The Army Volunteer Corps (AVC) is a comprehensive resource that streamlines volunteer efforts and fosters a sense of community in Area IV. As a unified network, the AVC brings together volunteers and organizations to support a common mission: enhancing the overall quality of life for everyone within the community.
Volunteering is a mutually rewarding experience that strengthens the community and enriches your own life. When you participate with the AVC, you’ll:
• Gain a sense of satisfaction/achievement by meeting challenges
• Learn about the Army, local organizations, and the community
• Acquire new skills and/or expand existing ones
• Obtain work experience
• Build new friendships and become a cohesive part of the community
Contact your local Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator (AVCC) at COMM 0503-363-4419 or DSN (315) 763-4419 to learn more about volunteer opportunities in Area IV.
More information is also available at Army Family Web Portal.